SHASHI KANT GUPTA (SK Gupta), son of late Shri Om Prakash Gupta, then Principal of Sadhu Ram Intermediate College, Dehradun (w.e.f. 1949 – 1985), was born on 25th April, 1950. A 1943 Graduate (B.Sc. Ag.) my father was well-versed to teach Biology (to High School Classes; he wrote 2 Books on Biology – (Saral Jantu Vigyan and Saral Vanaspati Vigyan) and English Literature (culminating in writing English Grammer Books from Class 6th up to Intermediate). Not only this, he endeavored designing book on Economics (being M.A. Economics) for Intermediate Classes. He was a great disciplinarian and famous for his principles, a rare sight to see in the present scenario.
As per the destiny destined, a son of teacher also became a teacher, carried his father’s legacy and worked for the cause of education. It only happened after passing out as a ZOOLOGY (Fish and Fisheries) Post-Graduate from the esteemed DAV (PG) College, Dehradun (now in Uttarakhand) in 1971 (then in Uttar Pradesh). October 23rd, 1971 was the day to witness destiny proven, getting an appointment as a Lecturer, about 900 km away from Dehradun, in a PG College, then affiliated to Kanpur University (now to Bundelkhand University, Jhansi), named after the first Prime Minister of India i.e., Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (PG) College, BANDA (UP), in a district famous on account of the place of ‘exile’ of Lord Rama, Chitrakoot Dham (falling under Chitrakoot Dham Karwi District).
About 30 years of teaching to B.Sc. students (and M.Sc. students during 1997 – 1999) there was an excellent experience to teach those thronging from backward rural background. Whatever was instructed or taught was proven by the examination results. These old golden days always lurk in mind. “That was a Golden Period of my teaching career, enjoying not only teaching but extracurricular activities, too”.
During the stay at Banda, D.Phil. degree work (Faunal and Ecological Studies on the Fishes of Banda district) was accomplished (1975 – 1982) with the outcome of recording 84 fish species. During 1982-1983 a minor research project, Sponsored by UGC, ‘Limnological Studies on River Paisuni at Chitrakoot Dham in Banda district with special reference to the Ecomorphology of Ichthyofauna’ was also undertaken.
July, 1st, 2000 was another day when the destiny again played its role, as it was also destined to teach and work for the cause of education in the city where the prime childhood and whole education was accomplished i.e., DEHRADUN (Uttarakhand). It is on account of unilateral transfer scheme of then UP Govt., services were got transferred to esteemed DBS (PG) College.
Another 10 year teaching span was a different experience, as compared to the previous college, teaching to masses from elite class and also those coming from hilly districts. This tenure saw boost to research guidance and accomplishment of two major research project viz., ‘Survey of Wetlands of UP and Uttaranchal under the project entitled: ‘Prioritizing Wetlands for formulation of Protected Area Network of Wetlands’ (Highlighting the migratory and resident aquatic bird count, fish varieties, socio-economic condition of the local inhabitants etc.) [Dec. 2001- Jan.2002: UNDP / MOEF , SACON and Zoological Survey of India, Dehradun] and ‘A comparative study of biotic diversity in the streams of eastern and western Doon with special reference to the Ichthyofaunal status’ [2007-2008 Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology]
Working with Fish taxonomy had been a great fascination for me, besides having keen interest in drawing and painting, writing articles in Hindi or English, authoring books, listening music (a fan of the legendry Mohd. Rafi).
Improvisations adopted during study period and teaching tenure proved fruitful as evidenced by the success achieved by the students in classroom work, examination or professional life. Teaching, both in Hindi and English was an additional advantage as it catered well to the needs of Hindi medium and English medium students. Laying more emphasis on the ‘meaning of technical terms’ has/had been a prime strategy to deal with any topic and making it easy to understand. As ‘Diagrams’ are the essential tools for a Biologist, a stress is always laid on supporting the textual matter with neat and well-labeled diagrams. Similarly, preparing attractive ‘Practical Record(s)’ was also a part of teaching strategy. All this enabled students (those who practiced) to develop creativity skills. How to score good marks in examination was also a part of counseling and teaching?
After more than 10 years of retirement, still there is always to share feelings of a ‘TEACHER’ and ponder upon the deteriorating educational scenario in Indian perspective. To work always for the cause of education had been destined about 50 years back
Some of my Works
- 1989 : Backward regions and the constraints of young Scientists. UGC and DST sponsored National Seminar on
the role of young Scientists in National Development [Souvenir an Abstracts], Sept. 14-18 , MM College ,
Modinagar [A popular talk given on the occasion ] - 2002 : Faunal diversity of Uttaranchal – An overview of inevitable ecological hazards. A seminar on Natural
Disasters : Threat Perception , Myth and reality , DBS College, Dehradun , 23-24 Feb. 2002 : 20-23 [ An
article ] - 2004 : Mortuary for Hospital waste . UGC Seminar on Economics of Waste Management in Indian Economy.
27-28 Nov. , 2004 , Pt. J.N. College , Banda ( UP ) [ A Popular Talk ] - 2004 : National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources ( ICAR ) – A Profile . SWASTI
( ScienceWriters’ Association : Science and Technology Information ), Vol. 1 : 40
[An Edited Article for general awareness ] - 2005 : National Transformation : A Scientist’s Role . SWASTI, Vol. 3 : 30 [ An Edited Article on the occasion of
Centenary of Albert Eienstein ] - 2005 : My Strategy of classroom teaching. Faculty Development Workshop ( FDW ), ICFAI National College ,
Dehradun , 11th Jan. , 2005 [ A Talk ] - 2006 : ‘Vigyan : Pathan-Paathan , Gunwatta Evam Vaigyanik Sanskriti’ National Science Seminar-2006 ,
Vaigyanik aur Prodyogik Sanskriti ki Oar , Organised by : Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar
Parishad ( National Council for Science and Technology Communication ) Department of Science and
Technology, India and Basant Seva Sansthan ( Lucknow ) [An article in Hindi] - 2007 : ‘ Vaishwik Tapman Vriddhi: Boltey Aankre ; Tapman Vriddhi Se Paryavaran Sanrakshan Ki Vaikalpik
Sambhawnain- Eak Vaigyanik Paridrishti. UGC and CSIR- sponsored National Seminar on Threats : Global
Warning to Global Warming , 31st March , 2007, KLDAV (PG) College , Roorkee :7-20 Also Published in CSIR
Magazine ‘VIGYAN PRAGATI’ , June, 2010 issue.[ An Article in Hindi ] - 2010: ‘Jaivvividhta Mulyankan – Ek Paridrishti, * Vigyan Paricharcha,1(1) : 29-30 [ An Article in Hindi ]
[*VIGYAN PARICHARCHA, is a quarterly Science popularization magazine, jointly published by People’s
Association of Hill Area Launchers (PAHAL), Indian Science Writers’ Association (ISWA) and Uttarakhand State
Council of Science and Technology (UCOST )] - 2010 : ‘Bina passport key mehman’, Vigyan Paricharcha,1 (2) : 37 – 45 [An Article in Hindi ]
- 2011 : ‘Jaivvividhta Mulyankan – Ek Paridrishti, VIGYAN PRAGATI, ( CSIR Publ. ), May, 2011 : 40 – 44 [ An Article in Hindi ]
- 2011 : ‘Apna Vigyaan Gyaan Badhaaeye (A questionnaire on International year of Chemistry and Forests)’, Vigyan Paricharcha,1 (3) : 55 – 58[ An Article in Hindi ]
- 2011 : ‘Apna Vigyaan Gyaan Badhaaeye’, Vigyan Paricharcha,1(4) : 50 – 56[ An Article in Hindi on ‘INSECTS’]
- 2011 : ‘Apna Vigyaan Gyaan Badhaaeye’, Vigyan Paricharcha, 2(1) : 52 – 55[ An Article in Hindi on ‘JANTU VISH! VISHAILEY JANTU’]
- 2012 : ‘MACHHLI PALAN UDYOG’, Vigyan Paricharcha, 2(3) : 22 – 25 [An Article in Hindi]
- 2012 : ‘Apna Vigyaan Gyaan Badhaaeye’, Vigyan Paricharcha, 2(4) : 52 – 56[An Article in Hindi on ‘PRAWASI JANTU’]
- 2014 : ‘Apna Vigyaan Gyaan Badhaaeye’, Vigyan Paricharcha, 4(4) : 40 – 48[An Article in Hindi on ‘JALIYA STANDHARI’]
- 2014 : ‘Apna Vigyaan Gyaan Badhaaeye’, Vigyan Paricharcha, 5(1) : 40 – 53[An Article in Hindi on ‘JALIYA STANDHARI’]
- 1977: Published the first full-length paper entitled ‘Fish and Fisheries of Banda district’, reporting about 84 species from various aquatic habitats of Banda including the rivers like Ken, Baghain, Paisuni (Mandakini Ganga) and Yamuna.
Fish and Fisheries of Banda district - 1984: Received compliment from Dr. E. Trewavas of British Museum London on the publication entitled ‘On the Systematic and Bionomics of Chanda sp. (Centropomidae)’.
Systematic and Bionomics of Chanda sp. (Centropomidae)
26th November, 2019: Joyous moments, while speaking to Students of Dolphin Institute of Biomediacal and Natural Sciences, Manduwala, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) on the occasion of a Workshop on TAXONOMY.

ON THE OCCASION OF ‘NATIONAL SEMINAR ON RECENT ADVANCES IN VECTOR BIOLOGY & CONTROL’ AND Prof. G. P. Agarwal Felicitation Symposium December 3 – 4, 2008 at DAV (PG) College, Dehradun [my Alma Matar]
Vol. II
Designed to be published in due course of time or made available to the concerned through appropriate channel
1982-1983 : Sponsored By UGC: vide File No. F – 25 – 7 (13672) / 83.
‘Survey of Wetlands of UP and Uttaranchal under the project entitled : ‘Prioritizing Wetlands for formulation of Protected Area Network of Wetlands’. (Highlighting the migratory and resident aquatic bird count, fish varieties, socio-economic condition of the local inhabitants etc.)

‘A comparative study of biotic diversity in the streams of eastern and western Doon with special reference to the Ichthyofaunal status’

Objectives to be achieved were:
- Fish faunal survey directed towards richness assessment and distributional pattern correlated with the other biota, water and soil quality.
- Taxonomic studies of the fish along with their bionomics.
- To study the fishery potential of streams and rivers and suggesting some strategies for its optimization.
- To study the species composition, temporal abundance and community structure of micro – and macro – plant and animal diversity.
[The highlights for the benefit of students and the like are being / will be uploaded shortly]
Attended 65TH Session of Indian Science Congress Association, Gujarat University, Ahemedabad, 1978 .
Vth All India Seminar on Ichthyology, Govt. ( PG ) College, MHOW ( Indore ) , Oct. 13-17 , 1984.
Role Colleges and College Teachers in Higher Education, SGRR College, Dehradun , June 11-14, 1988.
National Seminar on the role of young Scientists in the National Development, MM College, Modinagar, Sept. 14-18 , 1989.
National Seminar on Perspectives in Environmental Heterogeneity in Management of Parasitic diseases , DAV
( PG ) College, Dehradun , Nov. 8-10 , 1995.
Workshop on Prioritizing Wetlands for formulation of Protected Area Network of Wetlands ( UNDP / MOEF Project , SACON ) , Dec. 3-4 , 2001.
National Conference on IPR issues and opportunities in Research and Education , IIT , Roorkee , 16-17 Feb. 2002.
Seminar on Natural Disasters : Threat Perception , Myth and Reality , DBS College , Dehradun , Feb. 23-24, 2002.
National Seminar on Challenges and opportunities of Higher Education in Uttaranchal (Directorate of Higher Education , Uttaranchal ), June 27-28, 2003.

National Seminar on Economics of Waste Management in the Indian Economy( UGC Sponsored ) Nov. 27-28 , 2004, Pt. JN College , Banda ( UP )
National Seminar on Science Literacy and Role of Media in Science Communication and Development , Organised by Indian Science Writers’ Association ( ISWA ) Uttaranchal Chapter, Dehradun, Oct. 30-31, 2004.
5th National Science Communication Congress ( NSCC-2005 ), Science Communication Strategies for a Developed India : Vision 2020 , Dec. 12-16 , 2005 , Varanasi ( UP ) .
National Seminar on ‘Einstein and Peace for Today and Tomorrow’, Organised by ISWA , Uttaranchal Chapter , Dehradun , March 20th , 2005.
National Seminar on Challenges of Scientific Culture and Role of Science Communicators, Organised by ISWA, Uttaranchal Chapter, Dehradun, Dec. 11, 2005.
Poster Competition on Science Popularization, DAV ( PG ) College, Dehradun ; Sponsored by Uttaranchal State Council of Science and Technology ( UCOST ) , Feb. 17 , 2006.
National Science Seminar – 2006, ‘ Vaigyanik aur Prodyogik Sanskriti ki Oar’, Organised by: ‘Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar Parishad [ National Council for Science and Technology Communication ,
[NCSTC ] and ‘Basant Seva Sansthan’[Lucknow] , Khajuraho (MP) Nov. 22-25 , 2006.

National Seminar on Threats : Global Warning to Global Warming ( Sponsored by UGC and CSIR ) , March 31st , 2007, KLDAV ( PG ) College , Roorkee ( Uttarakhand )
Assisted in organizing 14th Indian Colleges Forum (ICF) National Conference, Under the aegis of Society for Education and Economic Development, New Delhi, Principal’s Association, Uttrakhand & D.B.S. (P.G.) College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Dated: 29th – 31st May, 2007.

National Seminar on Recent Advances in Vector biology and Control and Prof. GP Agrawal felicitation
symposium ( Dec. 3-4-, 2008), DAV ( PG ) College, Dehradun.
18th National Children’s Science Congress, 26 – 27th Nov., 2010, Kotdwar (Uttarakhand).
National Seminar on New Innovations in Parasitological Research, 29 – 30th March 2011, Department of Zoology, DAV ( PG ) College, Dehradun.
National Conference on Biodiversity visa-a-vis Environmental degradation in Hilly Terrains, 15 – 16th May, 2011, DBS (PG) College, Dehradun.