An Article from the pages of ‘Vigyan Paricharcha’

On the Occasion of ‘International Year of Chemistry, 2011’
‘International Year of Forests, 2011’

An Article from the pages of ‘Vigyan Paricharcha’
(विज्ञानं परिचर्चा)
[Year 1, Issue 3, 2011]
Entitled: ‘Apna Vigyan Gyan Badhaeeye
‘Enhance your knowledge about Science’
अपना विज्ञान ज्ञान बढाए

  • International Year of Chemistry (IYC, 2011):
    For the achievements of Chemistry and its contributions to the mankind, the year 2011 was commemorated as the ‘International Year of Chemistry (IYC, 2011)’ by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO]. For this, the UN Resolution, calling the International Year of Chemistry, 2011 was submitted by Ethiopia and supported by about 23 other Nations. Just to begin with, the THEME of IYC, 2011 was set as ‘Chemistry-our life, our future’. The chief OBJECTIVES of the IYC, 2011 included:
    • Increment in public appreciation and understanding of Chemistry in meeting the world needs.
    • Inculcating interest about Chemistry among the youth.
      • Generating enthusiasm and creativity in the field of Chemistry.
    • Organizing celebrations like:
      • Role of women in Chemistry.
      • Major historical events in Chemistry.
    • Founding the International Associations of Chemical Societies.

When this post is in the process of communication at the fag end of the Year 2019, it will not be fair if a mention is not made here of 2019 as the ‘International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT, 2019)’ proclaimed on the occasion of 150th anniversary of the discovery of the ‘Periodic Table’ by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869.

  • International Year of Forests (IYF, 2011):
    As per an estimate of World Bank, more than 1.6 billion people subsist on forest for their livelihoods with about 300 million residing inside forests. The Global forest products traded internationally is estimated at about $327 billion. In the present-day scenario, the ‘Concrete Jungles’ are fast replacing ‘Woody Jungles’, a common sight to observe in the developing or under-developed countries of the World. Plants in general and vast ‘Forest Tracts’ [covering about 40% of the land] in particular over the plains or in the mountain ranges not only sustain a vast array of BIODIVERSITY but play a vital role in maintaining Oxygen, Carbon Di Oxide and Water Cycles. Most vital role they play is the sustenance of important Wild Life and checking the soil erosion.
    It is the ‘MAN’, who has/had been cruel to the forests, reducing the forest cover for Economic and other hidden gains. As per an estimate by UN’S Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), about 130,000 km2 of world’s forest are lost every year due to deforestation. The latter has accounted up to 20% increase in Green House Gas emissions, contributing to the widely publicized phenomenon of ‘GLOBAL WARMING’. If now and then we hear about the havocs created by Elephants, Tigers, Leopards, Monkeys, Jackals, Antelopes etc. in the form attacking the human population, destroying the agricultural fields; it is only the side effect of the anthropogenic activities encroaching upon the natural Habitats of the Wild Life. If their abode (Habitat) is ruined, they are bound to go helter-skeltor in desperation and do harm to human life and other property.
    Then, why destroying forests? Save them! for the sustenance of life at large. World Bank estimates pronounce that deforestation of closed tropical rainforests leads to loss of as many as 100 species a day.
    To raise awareness and strengthen the Sustainable Management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for the benefit of current and future generations, United Nations declared the Year 2011 as ‘INTERNATION YEAR OF FORESTS’, in appropriate tune with the spirit viz., ‘Across the globe lie more than a billion hectares of lost and degraded forest and land that could be restored’, expressed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration.


The article is in the form of a ‘QUIZ’ designed in ‘HINDI’ for the benefit of masses/students well-versed at HINDI language in India or abroad. Also this QUIZ may be helpful for the aspirants appearing for competitive examinations.
The ‘QUIZ’ follows the ‘ANSWERS’. The illustrations incorporated with the QUIZ are Coloured photographs [given in the end of the Article] from various sources, bearing superscript number supplemented in the answers(e.g., Buransh1. बुरांश1)

[PDF] Vigyan Paricharcha

Vigyan Paricharcha answers

Please find the reference of these photographs No. 1 to 22 as superscripts in the TEXT & ANSWERS given in previous pages.

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