Tag: Barbels around mouth

  • Lot 11 (continue-1)

    Fish Identification in the field / market: Freshwater  Fishes of India (Banda, UP): The sorting of some fishes in the field / fresh market catches has / had been made on the basis of the presence of considerably long filamentous extensions of skin around mouth (= barbels) and absence of scales on the body (smooth…

  • Lot 11: Field identification and segregation of Catfish species from Doon Valley.

    Lot 11: Field identification and segregation of Catfish species from Doon Valley.

    The sorting of some fishes in the field / fresh market catches was made on the basis of the presence of considerably long filamentous extensions of skin around mouth (barbels) and absence of scales on the body (smooth skinned). They were placed under ‘Lot 11’, tentatively labeled as ‘CATFISHES’. Some important diagnostic features of ‘CATFISHES’…

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