Tag: Devario devario
Lot 7: Identification tips for Devario devario
Sort out small-sized laterally compressed fishes with peacock blue hue below lateral line, yellowish vertical bands and a stripe of dark pigmentation along mid lateral side, terminating at the base of caudal peduncle or beyond: ………. place them labeled as Devario sp. The fish kept labeled as Devario under ‘Lot 7’ in the field, has…
Lot 6: Identification tips for Danio rerio
Sort out small-sized fish with metallic blue lateral bands on the sides as well as on caudal and anal fins: …….. place them labeled as Danio sp. The fish specimens of this ‘Lot’ are small-sized (2.6 – 4.4 cm) are one of the most beautifully ornamented individuals with metallic blue lateral bands on the sides…